Face and lip filler

Face and lip filler are one of the most preferable cosmetic procedures for women. The harmonious appearance of healthy lips is one of the most beautiful signs in women. This gives them great attention and the lines and wrinkles in the face can significantly change the features

Women always strive to reach the ideal form of their facial features and also get rid of all the effects Science is always in progress and there are alot of new technologies in cosmetic field are available now these made makeover more easy and accessible, so that every woman can now use the latest technology or even combine more than one technique to reach the ideal shape that she wants, which helps improve her psychological condition and increase her self-confidence

Science is always in progress and there are alot of new technologies in cosmetic field are available now these made makeover more easy and accessible, so that every woman can now use the latest technology or even combine more than one technique to reach the ideal shape that she wants, which helps improve her psychological condition and increase her self-confidence

First, we must know what happens to the skin when we get older and what other factors affect the appearance of facial wrinkles

face and lip filler

There are also some other factors that play a significant role in the appearance of signs of aging of the skin, the most important of which are

Genetic factors may have some effect on the appearance of early aging factors
Direct exposure to sunlight for large periods without sunscreen results in skin stress, water loss, and hydration
Apply inappropriate cosmetic powders with skin type or do not remove them correctly. Unhealthy lifestyle, such as smoking and not exercising, eating unhealthy food, and not drinking enough water.
But you don't have to worry now as science continues to progress and find the magical solutions to go back in time to the age each woman prefers

Face and lips filler is one of these magical solutions that we will know in detail in this article

Filler is one of the most important modern technologies that is used for several purposes and it should be noted that filler is the name of the technology used (filling the facial blanks) and not the name of the substance used in the injection, as there are many substances used in the injection, each of which has its own characteristics and uses. The dermatologist selects one of these substances that correspond to the patient's condition and the purpose of the injection and the area in which the injection is made

In this article, we will answer all the questions that you have in mind regarding filler technology, the materials used, its uses, the desired results, its effectiveness, and the tips that must be adhered to get the best results and avoid side effects

First: Filler Types

The filler is divided into two types, one of them has temporary effects lasting from 6 months to one and a half years at most. It is more common due to its safety and its effective results. The other type is a permanent one and lasts for a larger period up to five years, but it has many risks and side effects, so it is not preferred to use it

Second: Substances used in injection


This substance is naturally found in bones but the substance used in injections is its commercially manufactured isotope (not extracted from the body) and is not extracted from any plant or animal source The most important characteristic of this substance is that it is a substance already present in the body naturally. This reduces the likelihood of sensitivity reactions as it has been used for a long time in oral and dental surgeries. It is well tested and completely safe.
It can be used in filler injection for lips and has an effective effect in severe wrinkles and deep folds in the forehead and exotic places in the face

Hyaluronic acid filler

Hyaluronic Acid is also a naturally secreted substance in the body that has a role in moisturizing the skin and stimulating the release of natural collagen and being a natural substance that does not cause sensitization. It is also considered one of the most effective and commonly used injectable substances where there are concentrations and many types and can be used as a lip and cheeks filler also used to hide wrinkles, scars and acne effects.
It also has a positive effect on skin fairness , hydration and healthy appearance for its effect in stimulating collagen production One of its advantages is that it lasts from 6 months to two years according to the type used

Polymethylmethacrylate: (BELLAFILL)

This material is a permanent type of filler that can be used in wrinkles and deep drilling in the face but you need to conduct several sessions to get the required result. One of the most important side effects is that it can cause sensitivity and also in case of getting any unsatisfactory result it is difficult to fix because its effect is semi-permanent

Polyamide (AQUAMID)

This material is also a permanent type of filler which is a gel-like filling and over time it is coated inside the body with natural collagen to give a more natural appearance and is used to fill the severe wrinkles of the face But its main drawbacks are that it does not decompose over time and any changing purpose of (for example, removing it or modifying its shape) requires going to dermatologist

Collagen catalysts


It is another type of injectable material but it is not a filler as it works to fill facial spaces by stimulating the release of collagen so its results are not as immediate as other filler types but the results need several weeks to begin to appear and the desired final result is reached in several months

- Plasma injection PRP:

This method is completely safe and does not cause any type of allergy or reaction from the immune system as it depends on separating the plasma from the patient's blood in a certain way and re-injecting it back into the skin to do its part in stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, but it should also be noted that its results are not immediate and also needs several weeks to begin to appear but its effect lasts several months.

Facial filler using self-lipid

It is also a permanent and safe technique because it fills the spaces using one of the components of the patient's body: excess fat in the abdomen or buttocks and its results last a long time, But it's not very common in use because several actions must be done before it.
- liposuction procedure of the excess lipid to be injected into the areas of skin to be repaired.
It is also possible to need to inject a catalyst to activate this fat substance to perform its function

face and lip filler

We have recognized a lot of types of injectable materials (fillers) its properties, advantages and disadvantages of each It is time to learn about the expected results and the advantages of filler injection with face and lips and how to choose the right substances and also the side effects or risks expected to occur

Features of filler injection for face and lips

1- Face

Defining facial features

- Treat simple wrinkles and hide them completely
- Treatment of smile lines at the angles of the mouth
-Lifting the cheeks in cases of severe weight loss resulting in fat loss from the face and cheeks
- Give the skin fair and youthful look.

It is used to treat forehead lines and fine lines around the eyes and also raise eyebrows as an alternative to Botox Its cost is very suitable for its effective and rapid results and significantly less than the- cost of cosmetic surgeries The expected risks of injection are very simple and can be easily avoided by following instructions and choosing the right doctor

2- Lips

Improve the appearance of the lips and the possibility of choosing the desired shape from several different forms and getting full and attractive lips.
Hide the aging effects of lip wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth and give the lip a more vital appearance.
No side effects if they follow proper instructions.
As for the general features of filler injection technology, it is a safe technique that can be used for many purposes. The duration of the procedure is between 30 and 40 minutes at most and it is painless, some of which give immediate results and its cost is ppropriate for the cost of cosmetic surgery

instructions to be followed before and after injection to avoid any side effects

before filler injection

Avoid blood fluidity drugs at least one week before injection so as not to lead to any bruising in the place of injection Avoid undergoing filler injections after exposing the same area to another treatment such as surgery or treatment in the mouth and teeth so as to avoid exposing those areas to infection or even increase the swelling after filler and bruising.
talk to your doctor about the desired or expected results and determine the places of injection and the appropriate substance and the quantity to be injected to obtain the best possible result where each woman wishes.
Avoid placing topical creams in the injection area and also avoid removing hair with creams or wax in the same injection area so as not to increase skin infections and bruises.
Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol at least two days before the procedure because this helps the skin to somewhat regain its flexibility.
Avoid applying any cosmetics at least two days before the procedure and ensure that the skin is completely clean before injection

After filler injection

Use cold water and ice compresses on injection places to avoid swelling and bruising after injection.
It is necessary to get complete rest in the early hours immediately after the injection procedure.
Avoid direct exposure to sunlight or extreme heat such as sauna and steam rooms after injection.
You should not sleep on the abdomen or press on your face in any way.
A healthy diet must be followed before and after filler because this helps the body to recover better and relieves infections and swelling and must also drink enough water (2:3 liters per day) to give the body the hydration it needs

Finally, as we mentioned before . Some technologies need several weeks to start showing results. Others have immediate results.
As for side effects, like any other medical procedure, no matter how safe it is , there are some side effects:

Swelling and bruising that can last for a week after the procedure.
Clusters and irregular appearance.
Likelihood of bacterial infection.
allergy to certain substances.
Wounds and scars in injection places.
Injection into a blood vessel can cause clots as the lips and area around the eye are places where there are a lot of blood vessels

But all these side effects can be easily avoided by following the doctor's instructions properly and also by selecting an experienced dermatologist and telling him about the disease history and medications that the patient takes thoroughly

أما عن المميزات العامة لتقنية الحقن بالفيلر فهي أنها تقنية تمنع تمام تستخدم في أغراض عديدة كما أن مدة الإجراء تتراوح بين 30 الى 40 دقيقة على الأكثر و غير مؤلمة و بعضها يعطي نتائج فورية و تكلفتها مناسبة بالنسبة لتكلفة الجراحة التجميلية

أهم التعليمات التي يجب اتباعها قبل وبعد اجراء الحقن لتجنب حدوث أي آثار جانبية

أولاً: قبل حقن الفيلر

ثانيا: بعد حقن الفيلر

و اخيرا لابد من عدم استعجال النتائج في كما ذكرنا سابقا بعض التقنيات تحتاج الى عدة اسابيع للبدء في ظهور النتائج و البعض الاخر تكون نتائجه فورية

أما بالنسبة للآثار الجانبية فمثله مثل أي إجراء طبي آخر مهما كان أمن يوجد بعض الآثار الجانبية الوارد حدوثها منها :

التورمات و الكدمات التي يمكن أن تدوم لمدة أسبوع بعد الإجراء
تكتلات الشفايف و عدم انتظام مظهرها
احتمالية حدوث عدوى بكتيرية
احتمى به التحسس من بعض المواد
الجروح و الندوب في أماكن الحقن
الحقن في وعاء دموي يمكن أن يتسبب في حدوث جلطات حيث أن الشفاه والمنطقة حول العين من الأماكن التي يوجد بها الكثير من الأوعية الدموية

و لكن كل هذه الآثار الجانبية يمكن تفاديها بسهولة باتباع تعليمات الطبيب بطريقة سليمة و ايضا ل باختيار طبيب ماهر ذو خبرة و اخباره بالتاريخ المرضي و الادوية التي يتناولها المريض بدقة